Our sweet girls turned one year old on October 24th. I have no clue where the past year went, but it has been so amazing. I have to admit, the first couple of months were extremely hard. Looking back, I have no idea how we functioned on so little sleep and had the patience to keep two tiny, needy babies satisfied and healthy. However, I would do it all over again for the sake of slowing down time!
The girls had their 12 month old check up shortly after their first birthday. Hadley weighs 20lbs and is 29 3/4 inches tall and our petite Ava James weighs a little over 17lbs and is 29 inches tall. Dr. Trumbull is very happy with both of their weights and heights. No big surprise, but the girls are measuring in a higher percentage for height than weight.
Both girls are walking and talking more and more. They love to give hugs and kisses- especially to one another. They laugh and play with each other more and more each day. They tend to have giggle fits while playing together which is rather comical. They are good eaters, although Haldey is the pickier of the two. They eat table foods (ham, butter beans, stewed apples, etc.) and drink whole milk- no more formula or bottles. They love fruit! They understand more phrases and words everyday. They understand "Do you want to go change your diaper," "No" "Are you hungry," "Do you want a nack nack (snack)," "Are you ready to eat" and will run to the kitchen upon being asked. They can both say more random words. For example: snack (nack nack), book (boo), cup (pup). More on the girls and a little bit...
The girls had their first birthday party on October 20th. They had so much fun! The girls had a Thing 1 & Thing 2 themed birthday party. I made them matching tutus- they were so cute! They also wore their tutus for Halloween.
They enjoyed all the sweet friends and family that came to our house to celebrate. They also enjoyed eating their individual (smash) cakes. Ava James was very delicate and dainty when it came to eating hers. Hadley, on the other hand,...completely the opposite! Pretty fitting given their drastically different personalities.
The girls got a lot of fun presents for their birthday! Their Nonnie and Poppa got them a playhouse with a slide. They love it! Hadley loves the slide and Ava James loves opening and closing the front door (of the playhouse) and walking in and out. Rusty and I got them twin baby dolls and accessories. I also refinished a child-size rocking chair and my babydoll crib from when I was a little girl. They got more baby dolls, princess Little People, clothes, blocks, and a lot of more fun toys at their party!
While they are twins, they couldn't be more different!
Hadley is still our wild child. She has NO fear! She is also very tough. She stays busy, but still finds time to give hugs and snuggle every now and then. As time passes, we find that she is more shy than her sister. She loves to sit in their chairs, although she gets in trouble for standing in them rather regularly. She is also very obsessed with the nightlight in their room. Hadley likes toys that she can manipulate. She likes blocks and other toys that she can stack. She also likes to throw/bounce balls. Hadley now has five teeth! Three on top and two on the bottom.
Ava James is more content with playing in one spot and isn't nearly as busy as her sister. She is outgoing and never meets a stranger. Ava James is very michevious (like her Daddy). She will steal her sisters pacifier or hit (not hard) her sister in the head just to agrevate her. While michevious, she is very sweet. She gives her sister kisses constantly, as well as her baby dolls, Mama, Daddy, Nonnie, and Poppa. Speaking of baby dolls, Ava James will definitely be our little mommy. She loves to rock her baby dolls and carry them around the house. Ava James now has six teeth! Four on top and two on the bottom.
They are growing up so quickly! They are learning new things everyday- it's hard to keep up with all their milestones.
Every night I make sure to pray for my girls. I try to pray over them (like my Daddy did for me) every night, but sometimes I'm afraid I might wake them. Either way, I say the same prayer every night....
I pray that they always know that they are here on earth for a purpose. Not because some doctors put Mommy on some medicine, but because Father God placed them here for a purpose. I pray that Rusty and I are good parents who lead by example and teach them that they are here to glorify Him all their days. I pray that they continue to love people and as they grow older that they understand the importance of serving others. I pray that they know their worth. That they are beautiful and perfect no matter what some magazine or someone else tells them. This world can be a mean and evil place. I pray that they never let the bad in the world take their beautiful spirits and innocence. Always have childlike faith. I pray that God would be working in the hearts of two little boys right now. That when they grow older that there will be Christ-like men to take care of them and love them as much as Rusty and I do. I pray for their health. I pray that they realize how special their relationship with each other is and to always take care of one another. Lastly, I pray that they always know how much Rusty and I love them.
God has blessed our family. I will never know why, but I am forever thankful.