Friday, September 28, 2012

32 Week Update

So I was 32 weeks this past Tuesday and I can officially say...I OVER BEING PREGNANT.

I know that is terrible to say, especially considering how blessed we are to even be pregnant. However, I am to that "miserable point" that all pregnant women talk about at some point in time. I am swollen...VERY SWOLLEN...all the time. My feet are retaining so much water that if you poke them, they will hold the shape of your finger. They are so swollen that I can't wear my own shoes :( I have to wear Rusty's shoes! I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings for months now and my face is even swollen. We were worried that being so swollen meant that I had high blood pressure- but luckily my blood pressure is fine. On top of the swolleness, my complexion SUCKS. My skin thinks it is 15 years old again- which is ironic since I have always had clear skin. I have gained a whopping 50lbs (and counting) and my body is having a hard time adjusting. My joints ache and my tail bone hurts constantly. The bathroom is my new best friend...I see "The John" about every 30 minutes or so. Since both babies are breech, I have four little feet dancing on my bladder at all times. Even though it is annoying having to go to the potty all the time, the dance recitals on my bladder are sweet reminders of the two miracles growing inside of me :) I LOVE feeling them move!

On top of all of this, Braxton Hicks contractions are now a daily occurrence. In fact, they are an hourly occurrence. And as we saw Wednesday at the doctor, they were occurring EVERY 2 MINUTES! This scared both my doctor and myself. Luckily, I am not dilating and the contractions are not painful- just uncomfortable. However, having ANY kind of contractions that close together is never a good thing. I am on strict orders to rest, stay out of the heat, and to drink A LOT of water.

More on my doctors appointment from Wednesday- Hadley Kate weighs about 3lbs9oz. Ava James weighs about 2lbs14oz. Dr. Dupre said their difference in weight isn't an issue since it is less than 20%. After all, they are two completely different individuals! It could just mean that Ava James is more petite than Hadley. They will continue to monitor their weights and if they get to be too drastically different, then they will intervene and possible induce labor early. If Hadley starts to get A LOT bigger than Ava James, that could just mean that she is getting more nutrients than Ava James.

So that's the latest! Please pray that the Braxton Hicks subside (luckily they have subsided some in the past day) and that I can carry these two baby girls for as long possible. Also pray that mentally I can continue to carry both little girls for as long as possible. Being uncomfortable is one thing, but not being able to do anything for myself (like clean, organize the nursery, wash clothes, plant flowers out front, etc.) is very frustrating. No matter how miserable, uncomfortable, or frustrating this pregnancy may become, I want Hadley Kate and Ava James to be healthy babies. I would rather suffer through another 32 weeks of pregnancy than have them come early and stay in the NICU. With each day that passes, I am more and more aware of God's amazing gift of life. These two baby girls are gifts, and Rusty and I are forever thankful.

Sorry for my pity party- sometimes it feels good to just vent :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Harper!

This past weekend was very exciting for a very special little girl. Our niece, Harper Grace, had her 2nd birthday!!! I can't believe that she is 2 already- how time flies. Over the past two years, Rusty and I have watched this precious little girl grow into a smart, sweet, and very loving little girl. She LOVES her family and talks about them regularly. She even talks about the "two babies" in Aunt Katie's tummy (which makes me happy) & even knows that their names are "Hadley" and "Aba Dames (Ava James)!" Her birthday party was actually at my parent's tailgating spot for the Auburn vs. LSU game. The theme was Aubie- one of Harper's favorite characters.

Happy Birthday Harper Grace
Aunt Katie & Uncle Rusty love you VERY much :)


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sugar & Spice

So it has been FOREVER since I have updated our blog! If anyone has stalked my Facebook page, you are most likely updated on our two little miracles- BUT I figured I would write a post about it anyways. I am currently 29 weeks, 3 days...

We found out we are having TWO LITTLE GIRLS! Rusty will be an amazing Daddy to two little girls. He loves that most little girls worship the ground their Daddy walks on, and that Mommy is almost ALWAYS the bad guy :) The doctors still refer to the babies as "Baby A" and "Baby B." Baby A is the baby closest to the cervix. We actually knew Baby A was a girl WAY before we knew Baby B was also. Baby A (who we have named Hadley Kate) showed NO SHAME when it came to what gender she was. Baby B (who we have named Ava James) was a little more modest- she kept her legs crossed for ultrasound after ultrasound, until FINALLY at about 17 weeks she changed positions and the tech could see her "parts."

As far as the pregnancy goes, we have been extremely blessed. Most twin pregnancies come with a long list of complications. So far, I have had NONE! All multiple pregnancies are considered high risk. Dr. Dupre has said that for a high risk patient, I am as low risk as I can possibly be. I have swelling like you wouldn't believe, but we can thank Alabama weather for the majority of that. Hot and humid definitely do not help! I get out of breath regularly, but that is mainly because Ava James' head is positioned directly under my diaphragm. My once perfect complexion has disappeared :( The hormones from TWO babies have tricked my skin into thinking that it is 15 years old again. BUT that is a price I am willing to pay :) The morning sickness lasted until I was 13 weeks or so and has thankfully stayed away! I have gained a total of 42 pounds so far!!!! Believe it or not, I am extremely proud of every single pound. My doctors and I were worried that I wouldn't be able to gain the weight needed to ensure healthy growth of both babies. I normally find it extremely hard to gain weight...But OH MAN were we wrong!!! I eat more than Rusty at most meals- which is definitely saying something, believe me. My appetite has actually started to slow some since the babies are getting bigger and pushing on my stomach. Hopefully the weight will come off as easily as it came, but I know that is just wishful thinking :(

The girls are both currently breached (head up) and seem to be very comfortable that way. There was once a possibility that I would be able to avoid a c-section. Unfortunately, the babies are starting to run out of room to turn and therefore it is looking more and more like we will be having a c-section. We are both fine with that, I just dread the recovery period. As long as my girls get here safely, I will be happy. They are both facing each other and seem to be punching and kicking each other constantly. During one of my last ultrasounds, Hadley was kicking Ava James in the gut- I'm sure she enjoyed that :) I constantly feel them move now which is so exciting :) I can feel Ava James move more than I can feel Hadley- that is primarily because of their position. Hadley sits back towards my back bone more than Ava James. At my last appointment (which was two days ago) Hadley weighed 2 lbs 7 oz, and Ava James weighed 2 lbs 4 oz. Dr. Dupre seemed VERY happy with their weight and growth. They will both most likely be "petite," as the ultrasound tech said, but they will still be within normal range. There was once a slight concern that Ava James wasn't growing as well as Hadley, but she has caught up beautifully!

I still don't know why God has blessed Rusty and I so much, but I am forever thankful. Every little kick, punch, or roll I feel is a reminder of God's love for me, you, EVERYONE. I can't wait to finally hold our baby girls and let them know how much we love them already.

Please continue to pray for healthy babies and a healthy delivery!