Friday, April 13, 2012

And They Came By the Twos...


Our two bundles of joy will arrive sometime in late October, early November. My official due date is November 19th, but most twins comes early- normally around 36 weeks or so.

It only took one cycle of Follistim shots! Normally, most couples do not get pregnant on their first round on Follistim. Both Rusty and I, and the doctors, were VERY surprised! With Follistim, we had a 20% (or less) chance of having twins. We obviously fall within that percentage! Doubly blessed :)

At the current moment I am struggling with the joys of morning sickness. NOT FUN! Some days are worse than others, and afternoons are definiately worse than mornings. Lately, I seem to live off ice cream and cheeseburgers. However, I wouldn't trade it for the world! He has answered our prayers and we are forever thankful.

Please keep us and the babies in your prayers! We pray that I will have a happy and healthy pregnancy and that both "buns" will "bake" as long as possible! :)

Like I said in my previous post (Our Journey to Baby), it will be (and was) all worth it. All the tears and struggles of infertility will be worth it as soon as we get to hold our two miracle babies. We are so, so incredibly blessed. We serve a mighty, merciful, and loving God!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28