We have made it to 34 weeks!
Today we had our 34 week appointment. Everything went very well!
Both babies heart rates looked really good. Dr. Dupre made the comment that they must be "happy babies" based on how much they moved while they were monitoring them. I had a couple contractions while being monitored, but nothing like the contractions I was having a couple weeks ago. They were definitely nothing to be worried about- all normal. Dr. Dupre made the comment that everything looks "perfect" for having full term babies. Twins are considered full term at 38 weeks, but most twins are delivered between 34 & 36 weeks- so I am sure you can see why this excited me! If I can carry these baby girls to 38 weeks, I will be over the moon!!!
The ultrasound showed Hadley weighs about 4lbs and Ava James weighs about 3lbs4oz. Their weights are still within normal range, however Dr. Dupre wants us to start having ultrasounds every week to monitor their weights a little closer. As long as their differences in weight does not get any larger, everything should still be okay. Their fluid looks fantastic, which is good when looking at their weight. If Ava James was smaller due to lack of oxygen or nutrients, she would have less fluid. Thankfully, her fluid looks perfect- just like Hadley's!
The ultrasound also showed that both girls have HAIR! I was so tickled when the ultrasound tech showed us. Mainly because I was bald until I was about 2!
Both girls are still breech. In fact, they have turned a little more upright than they were two weeks ago. They seem pretty comfortable with their heads shoved in my ribs and feet dancing on my bladder. I would be VERY surprised if they flipped!
Since both girls are still breech and we are 34 weeks, Dr. Dupre went ahead and scheduled our c-section. Assuming that all goes well between now and then, we will be having a c-section on Tuesday, November 6th- ELECTION DAY! Thank goodness I already sent in my absentee ballot :) Now I have to search for some patriotic onesies....
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts! Please continue to pray for big, strong, healthy babies that can make it to 38 weeks!
Yay! You are SO CLOSE! Not much longer :)